Park Planning

People at the third Play Plaza Public Meeting
Community Meeting
Gipson Play Plaza site plan February 2022

Gipson Play Plaza

One of the first major projects to move forward is the design of the new welcome plaza and play area along Lake Wheeler Road.  The Gipson Play Plaza will be a new, principal entrance to the park.

Construction is underway on the Gipson Play Plaza – an inviting and inspiring public space for all ages with one of a kind play spaces, works of art, a civic plaza, fountains, and gardens. 

Learn more on the Gipson Play Plaza project page.

Rocky Branch Enhancement Project Reach 1 Option A Rendering November 2023

Rocky Branch Restoration

This priority project from the Master Plan creates a nature escape for park-goers in the heart of the city while enhancing the aquatic habitat and ecosystem and supporting the re-use plan of adjacent landfill area for park amenities and athletic fields.

Project next steps are to use the information and recommendations from the Rocky Branch Enhancement Project Feasibility Study to move into design for creek realignment, restoration and amenities between Boylan Avenue and South Saunders Street. The design will also include paths and connections through the Grove and Harvey Hill creating a continuous green space between Downtown Raleigh and Gipson Play Plaza.

Read more about the Rocky Branch & Downtown Gateway Project.

McBryde Building at Dix Park

Plans & Studies

In addition to large-scale projects, a set of supporting plans and studies are needed to address issues identified but not resolved in the Master Plan process and build a sustainable foundation for the future. These types of studies will not only enable future projects but also establish baseline data to measure future progress. The plans and studies currently in progress:

10-Year Implementation Plan

Cultural Interpretation Plan 

Buildings & Site Analysis + Partnerships & Financial Framework

Drone shot of Dix Park looing towards downtown Raleigh

Area Projects

While not specifically part of the Dix Park development, there are a number of projects supporting the transformation of the park. These projects are led by various City of Raleigh departments and community partners.

Lake Wheeler Road Improvement Project

Chavis-Dix Strollway

Dix Edge Area Study

Pullen to Bain Water Main Replacement

Western Blvd Bus Rapid Transit

Healing Transitions Expansion

Planning Meetings
The Chapel

Leadership Committee Meeting

The Dix Park Leadership Committee exists to provide guidance to City staff, the Conservancy, and other partners on the implementation of the Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan. The Leadership Committee is supported by City staff and will…
Planning Meetings
The Chapel

Community Committee Meeting

The Dix Park Community Committee is a community advisory committee designed to represent the diversity of the community and bring a broad range of experiences and expertise to the Dix Park project. This committee provides guidance and…
Planning Meetings
The Chapel

Leadership Committee Meeting

The Dix Park Leadership Committee exists to provide guidance to City staff, the Conservancy, and other partners on the implementation of the Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan. The Leadership Committee is supported by City staff and will…