Site & Partnership Study

McBryde building at Dix Park

In July 2025, it is anticipated the City will take over responsibility for all buildings currently occupied and maintained by the Department of Health and Human Services at Dix Park. The 85 structures, totaling over 1 million square feet, include everything from the original 1856 hospital building to the dozens of other buildings and additions constructed up until the year 2000.

The adopted Dix Park Master Plan proposes removing 53 buildings and rehabilitating 32 buildings to support the future of the park. Most do not meet accessibility standards and many contain hazardous materials that would need to be removed or abated. In addition, the majority of the existing buildings are supported by centralized, aging utility systems which will require decommissioning and replacement. Most of the water, sanitary sewer and storm water pipes in the park are outdated and the City has limited mapping and existing condition information. 

Read more about 'The Park and Its Buildings' on pages 144-157 of the Dix Park Master Plan.

Photos from the Building & Site analysis work

Building & Site Analysis

For the park to transform over time, a clearer understanding is needed of building viability from a structural and code perspective, as well as an assessment of the location, condition and functionality of the current utilities infrastructure system. The City is working with a consultant team, led by Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates (MVVA), on the Building & Site Analysis to further our understanding of the site in its current state along with potential for renovation and reuse of buildings in the park. 

Project Team

  • Landscape & Park Planning - MVVA
  • Architecture - HH Architecture & Utile
  • Utilities - Dewberry
  • Transportation Planning - VHB
  • Construction Strategy & Cost Estimating - Balfour Beatty / Holt Brothers

Partnership & Financial Feasibility Framework

The City has also engaged the Development Finance Initiative (DFI) in the UNC Chapel Hill School of Government to work in collaboration with the Building & Site Analysis efforts to assist the City in evaluating partnership potential and financial feasibility of building reuse that complements the core principles and vision outlined in the Dix Park Master Plan.

Harvey Building Adaptive Reuse Rendering from the Dix park Master Plan

Together, these two studies will confirm, refine and advance the evaluation and recommendations of the Dix Park Master Plan to inform the adaptive reuse potential of buildings on the property. 


Spring 2022 - Winter 2023

Project Contact

Kate Pearce – Planning Supervisor

Planning Documents

Project Update

September 26, 2023 - DRAFT Building & Site Analysis Executive Summary Report

MVVA Project Team Update

August 23, 2022 - Dix Park Building & Site Analysis Update

DFI Project Update

August 23, 2022 - Dix Park Feasibility Assessment Status Update


Other Presentations 

Project update presentations are given at City Council, Dix Park Leadership Committee and Dix Park Community Committee meetings. City of Raleigh Public Meeting Agendas, Presentations and Minutes are available using the city's paperless system. In BoardDocs, click the icon in the top right corner to select the committee you are looking for to view meeting materials.